In Loving Memory of
Douglas Wayne Meadors
June 30, 1982 - February 19, 2005

My fiancee Doug Meadors was killed in a car accident on his way home from work,
he was a passenger in the vehicle...
Our son was 6 months old at the time this happened. Doug was from Williamsburg.

Dylan with his daddy. Dylan is 6 months in this one, it was taken about 2 weeks before Doug passed...

My cousin made this scrap book for Dylan. Thought you might want to check it out...
Dylan's Smilebox

Nana (Evelyn - Doug's Mom), Dylan, Doug. This was taken 13 days before Doug passed.

The two pictures above are Doug with his Mom.

These three special gifts for Angel Doug are from my friend Marie.
You can visit her website for her son Rob here ~ Rob Northrop's Site.

These are two beautiful and loving gifts for Angel Doug from my dear friend, Carol, mom to Angel Michael.

Doug (1st birthday picture)

Doug's first haircut.


They say you will not come again,
But I shall always hear
Your voice in silence and in song,
And feel you ever near.

They say you have passed beyond,
Unto the joy supreme.
But I can always call you back
Into the land of dream.

For death is but a gateway
To the great reality,
A new beginning, not an end
Of human destiny.

For love is all, and life goes on
In spite of grief and pain,
And deep within my heart I know
That we shall meet again.
~ Author Unknown

I dont know if you can read this poem above, but I will write it the way he has it written...

Doug ~ Indians

Their trials many were many.
Their deeds were brave.
Their days were long.
Their braves were strong.
No one seems to know
The mystry of it all.
The Indians.

Doug Meadors
3rd Grade

Doug, Dylan (just a couple of hours old), Jason

Doug (1st birthday) Dylan (1st birthday). Evelyn kept Doug's outfit so we had Dylan's picture taken in it also....


I never meant to leave you,
Could I have only stayed,
We would be going on in life,
With all the plans we made.

Now all the hopes and dreams we shared,
Are but sweet memories;
For you to tuck inside your heart,
Now when you remember me.

Remember all the good times,
And all the joy we shared.
Remember how you touched my life,
And how I really cared.

Think back on all the laughter,
And wipe away the tears,
You still have many miles to go,
And will have many years.

Don't look back...look forward,
This day is a brand new one,
And as you travel on in life,
You'll take a bit of my heart.

I never meant to leave you,
But still you're not alone
For as long as my love lives in you,
I'll never really be gone.
By Allison Chambers Coxey (c) 1995

Nana (Evelyn)& Dylan Dylan was 1 day old.

Doug (wearing a cat hat)

Doug and his cousin Michelle.

Doug at the beach.

We think about you always,
we talk about you still,
you have never been forgotten,
and you never will.
We hold you close within our hearts,
and there you will remain,
to walk with us throughout our lives
until we meet again.
- Author Unknown -

Doug and Jason.

Doug and Dylan (1 day old)

Evelyn(mom), Doug, Papaw B.

Evelyn(mom), Doug, Papaw B, Cousin Chad, Uncle Edwin, Aunt Jan


Doug's mom, Evelyn, has this picture of him with this poem framed.
In case you cannot read the poem from this scan above, here are the words below --

He Only Takes The Best

God saw he was getting tired
and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him
and whispered, "come with me."

With tear-filled eyes we watched him
suffer and fade away.
Although we loved him deeply,
we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating,
hard-working hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us
he only takes the best.
~Author Unknown~

Doug, We love you and miss you, you are with us always.
Love to you forever, Debbie, Dylan and Mom

Doug, Dylan, Debbie (Christmas 2004)

You never said I'm leaving
You never said goodbye
You were gone before I knew it,
And only God knew why
A million times I needed you,
A million times I cried
If love alone could have saved you,
You never would have died
In life I loved you dearly
In death I love you still
In my heart you hold a place,
That no one could ever fill
It broke my heart to lose you,
But you didn't go alone
For part of me went with you,
The day God took you home.
~ Author Unknown

Doug, Denny( Doug's dad), papaw B, mamaw Ruth (she is also a angel with Doug)
Those are Evelyn's (Doug's mom) mom and dad

Dylan's Easter picture

With Love In Memory of our Angel Douglas
Ann, Laurasmom

In Memory of Douglas
A wonderful Partner
A Loving Father
A Beloved Son
May You Find God's Peace Within Your Heart
Ann, Laurasmom

A small gift for the Meadors family for your Angel Doug. May God bless you.

A birthday graphic for Doug's family. God bless you.

Dear Evelyn, Debbie, Dylan and ANGEL Doug

Where my Daddy Now lives
One of the stars
My Mommy shows me
Belongs to my Daddy
To see him We have to look up
I can't see you Daddy
No my son
You won't see me
Like you use to
But I am here
I see you, your Mommy
If you feel you want to
Talk to me, just look up
At that star, I am here
I am not too far away
I will blow kisses to you
I will protect you, your Mommy

Written By Sue-Anne Aguilera~~~Lee'sMom

In Loving Memory of Lee Henry Aguilera

Many, many thanks to Tyler's mom, Dawn, and also Joshua's mom, Monika for all their hard work in getting the music just right for Doug's web page!
Please click on Tyler's banner below to visit his web site ~

And click on Joshua's banner below to visit his web site ~

A friend can hear a tear drop.

This webpage is created
In Loving Memory of Douglas Wayne Meadors

on March 6, 2006
Last updated: February 16, 2017
© 2006 - 2017

Maria's Tribute to Christopher

Jesus Wept

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